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Article number: Article number: kb-12
Q. Webspace usage seems higher than it should be!

A. Web space usage is best checked with the Disk Space Usage link in cpanel. Here you will find a breakdown of usage by directory but starting at the Top Level will give you a good summary.
This page has been viewed 4158 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. PHP Selector (viewed 20382 times)
2. Where can I get a reminder of my hosting login details? (viewed 12779 times)
3. How do I add additional webspace or bandwidth or upgrade my hosting package? (viewed 5333 times)
4. I have an error log with php entries saying something about suhosin, why is this and how can I fix it? (viewed 4780 times)
5. How can I visit my site before my domain resolves? (viewed 4328 times)

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