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Q. Email Error: 0x800CCC0B

A. Why do I get this error? Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0B

You may receive this error in your email client settings at some point. In Outlook this is a bug and can usually be resolved by restarting your email client and making sure you have SMTP authentication enabled.

This is not a server problem and is caused by a miconfigured email client, ISP's blocking access to port 25 and using port 26 instead or a DNS problem with your ISP.

To confirm that the mail server is online and responding you can perform the following:

From the 'Start' button click 'Run' Type in 'telnet 25' You should receive something to the effect of: ESMTP Exim x.xx #1 day, xx Month 2004 time 220-We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, 220 and/or bulk e-mail.

This confirms there are *no problems* with the SMTP server

To confirm the POP server is online and responding:

From the 'Start' button click 'Run' Type in 'telnet 110' You should receive something to the effect of:

+OK POP3 [cppop x.x] at [xx.xx.xx.xx] (

This confirms the POP server is online and there are *no problems* with the POP server.
This page has been viewed 8802 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. What can I do to reduce the amount of spam email I get? (viewed 15199 times)
2. How do I enable SMTP Authentication? (viewed 11659 times)
3. How do I setup my email program? (viewed 10645 times)
4. Setting up email on a Mac (viewed 4041 times)

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