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Article number: Article number: kb-4
Q. How do I setup my email program?

A. Setting up an email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, etc) Go into your email client and follow these instructions:

Follow this guide to install your account on Outlook. Note: Outlook express setup is very similar to this.

1) Go up to the menu at the top of the window and click Tools > Email Accounts....

2) A dialog box will appear, select the Add new e-mail account option and click Next.

3) At this dialog select POP3 and click Next.

4) Fill in your account's details, username, password, email address and mail servers. Your mail servers use the following format: for both incoming and outgoing email(pop and smtp) Then click More Settings...

5) Click on the Outgoing Server tab and check the box for Authentication is required and use the same login for incoming email.

6) Click OK in the Internet E-mail Settings dialog and then Next in the main dialog. That's it, the new account should work the next time you send and receive mail.

If you need to create new email accounts, you may do so in the cpanel Control Panel.

Please note: in most cases, the username takes to form of the actual address i.e.

If this username is not recognised, please use the following format:
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Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. What can I do to reduce the amount of spam email I get? (viewed 15199 times)
2. How do I enable SMTP Authentication? (viewed 11660 times)
3. Email Error: 0x800CCC0B (viewed 8802 times)
4. Setting up email on a Mac (viewed 4041 times)

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