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Article number: Article number: kb-16
Q. Setting up email on a Mac

A. Create your email account in cpanel and make a note of the email address and password.

On your Mac, click on Add Account in Mail>File
Enter details and click Continue
Mail will then attempt to find your mail server details, continue with a manual setup when the next page appears.

Select the account type:
POP:- to download all mail to your Mac
IMAP:- to store all mail on the server

Add a Description for the account your are creating

Enter your domain name as the Incoming Mail Server
Enter your email address as the User Name
Enter the password you used when creating the email account in cpanel
Click Continue

Enter the details for your Outgoing Mail Server
Select Use Authentication and enter your email address and password again in the User Name and Password fields
Click Continue

Check the summary and click the option to Take Account Online if it isn't already checked for you.
Click Create

If during the account creation process you get any security warnings, especially when setting up an IMAP account, either don't use SSL or click Continue. This warning arises when you don't have an SSL certificate installed on your domain.
This page has been viewed 4040 times

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2. How do I enable SMTP Authentication? (viewed 11659 times)
3. How do I setup my email program? (viewed 10645 times)
4. Email Error: 0x800CCC0B (viewed 8801 times)

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